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I percieve myself as a kind of anthropologist employing the powerful medium of photography to unveil patterns in human behaviour.

How do we load our car at IKEA? What do we look like when we sneeze? How do we currently utilize the garage box originally intended for car parking? These are authentic phenomena that we don't flaunt but hold so much beauty within.

Through these systematic photoseries, I invite you to discover ​both similarities, differences and details within a single theme. By repeating images, I create a visual language that reveals new perspectives and narratives. With this, I illuminate the unnoticed beauty of everyday life.


These series reflect my love for observing and analyzing human behaviour ad visually portraying the patterns that connect us. 

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2021 - 2022

|     HBO Graphic design at Leidse Onderwijsinstelllingen 

2016 -2020

|     HBO Applied Photography at University of Applied Photography (cum laude)

Thesis: 'Dutch photographic typologies' 

2019 -2020

|     Internship at Lars van den Brink Photography


2023 - 2024  |   City Photographer of Leiden

vanaf 2022   |   Dutch Newspaper Trouw - Tijdgeest magazine - Photo column: Do and Let 

2022   |  Dutch Newspaper Trouw - De verdieping / Voorspel

2021   |   Dutch Newspaper Trouw - Tijdgeest magazine /weekly photo spread  ''The livestream''

2021   |  Dutch newspaper Trouw - Tijdgeest magazine / Zomertijd series:  ''A day ... ''


Dutch newspaper Trouw &Parool, Municipality of Voorschoten, Boele & Van Eesteren, Personal Coach, 1BOX Self storage, LEEFOM, Navenant magazine, you?


2021   |   Opslag verliefd - De Nederlandse garagebox

   ISBN: 978-90-77386-26-2



2023-2024    |   Newspaper Leidsch Dagblad Pause areas

2022    |   Dutch newspaper Trouw - Tijdgeest    Opslag verliefd

2022    |   PF Magazine   Opslag verliefd

2022    |   Dutch newspaper Parool   Opslag verliefd

2021    |   Hollandse Beelden nr. 20     Opslag verliefd

2021    |   Dutch newspaper Leidsch Dagblad     Verhaal van de dag 

2020   |   Dutch newspaper NRC Weekend 'In Beeld'     

Opslag verliefd (online en offline)

2020   |   VPRO Koos     Opslag verliefd

2019    |   LEVEN! Magazine     Op kraamvisite in Leiden

2016    |   Dutch magazine Vrij Nederland     Document Nederland Junior 


2023    |   TV program SNAP SHOT at Dutch National television

2022    |   Several Dutch radio interviews

2021    |   Pragmatique Podcast (link below)

2021    |   Life Framer      'Documenting the ordinary'

2021    |   Fotolab Kiekie     Rosalie van der Does - Opslag Verliefd

2020   |   PechaKuchaNight Utrecht

2020   |   RTV Katwijk - Dutch radio

2020   |  ' I have a fascination for human bahavior'


2023  |    May 21th - June 25th   |  Goeikes photofestival Helmond

2022  |   May 27th - June 26th  |  DUNAatelier Katwijk aan Zee

2021  |  July 10th - July 18th  |   'Meanwhile there' / Artists association 'de Onafhankelijken' / Loods 6, Amsterdam

2020  |   Graduation show  'AREA' / Loods 6, Amsterdam (

2017   |   Group exhibition University of Applied Photography / Rotterdam

2016   |   Group exhibition  Document Nederland Junior / Teekenschool, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

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